
Leaders at Every Turn: The Strength of “Leader Full” Advocacy Networks

If your goal is meaningful social change, the allure of organic, multi-leader movements is undeniable. However, a common misconception persists – that these decentralized networks lack direction and often descend into chaos. At Netcentric Campaigns, based on our 20+ years of experience in building robust networks, we firmly reject this notion. Those who disregard these…

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Independence is not equal to capacity.

We are kicking around some thinking on the idea of capacity building in complex wicked situations.   How does building interdependence create the kind of capacity needed in working on complex and wicked problems.   Hope you join us over at Connect People for Good  Ideas around capacity building tend to be informed by our experiences in…

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Remote Team Operations: 4 Lessons from 20 Years at Netcentric Campaigns.

Was your team recently sent home and told to telecommute for the next few months? Are you looking for the best ways to work together online?  Are you rarely going to meet your coworkers in person?  Netcentric Campaigns has been working with remote teams for 20 years and in the last few years, we have…

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be supportive and unseen

Be Available. Be Helpful. Be Unseen.

The post is part of a series of pages focused on communicating the core values of Netcentric Campaigns (Supportive | Professional | Innovative | Cheerful | Empathetic).  To learn more about the role of values at Netcentric Campaigns you can read on. You can also participate in the online meeting and discussions of our values,  give us ideas about how your expect these values to come to life,…

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Keep Trying. Never Settle. Be Adaptive.

The post is part of a series of pages focused on communicating the core values of Netcentric Campaigns (Supportive | Professional | Innovative | Cheerful | Empathetic).  To learn more about the role of values at Netcentric Campaigns you can read on. You can also participate in the online meeting and discussions of our values,  give us ideas about how your expect these values to come to life,…

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Announcing HHN Campaign Project Fellowships 2019

This program aims to support people fighting the harms of fracking and gas development. The program also seeks to support Fellows interested in informing and organizing people in their community. The Fellowship offers hands-on experience, talent development, and structured immersion in network building and movement support. Details: This Fellowship provides a stipend of $500 and…

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Movement as Workforce

What would you do with 10,000 people with 10 minutes each? Since 2005, I’ve asked this question, don’t have an answer yet. And still, we are increasingly faced with this challenge. We need to take the time to seriously prepare to answer questions like the one above and other questions like what if 100,000 people…

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HHN Quarterly Researcher Fellowship

This program aims to support spreading the understanding of network campaigns, network organizing and the work of network management all while serving the efforts of other fellows and Halt the Harm Network project of Netcentric Campaigns.  The fellowship offers hands-on work, talent development, and structured immersion in advancing our communications work. This Fellowship opportunity provides…

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