Audrey D. Jordan Ph.D

Leading with Vision: Meet Audrey Jordan, Netcentric Campaigns’ New Board Chair

In a world where change is both a constant and a necessity, Netcentric Campaigns has been at the forefront of transforming the way organizations build and maintain active advocacy networks for social change. Our mission has always been to move power out to the edge of movements and empower change-makers, and as we continue to evolve and grow, we are excited to announce a new chapter in our leadership. Audrey Jordan, a dedicated member of our board and a passionate advocate for social justice, has stepped into the role of Chair, succeeding Heather Berthoud, whose invaluable contributions have guided the organization through important changes and growth over the last several years. With Audrey’s deep experience in community change and collective impact initiatives, she is poised to lead Netcentric Campaigns to new heights, as we continue to drive the transformative power of advocacy networks.

Reflecting on the transition, Heather Berthoud, the outgoing Chair, highlights Audrey’s unique qualities as a leader: “I am honored to welcome Audrey as the Chair of the Board of Directors of Netcentric Campaigns. She brings deep conviction, experience, and study about the power of building intentional networks to move social change. Her care and commitment will guide her in ensuring Netcentric Campaigns is even more impactful.”

A Path Aligned with Empowerment

Audrey’s journey is rooted in her unwavering commitment to collective impact and community empowerment. One particularly impactful project that shaped her perspective was the groundbreaking Making Connections initiative at the Annie E. Casey Foundation, where she played a pivotal role for over a decade. This place-based collective impact effort in marginalized neighborhoods deepened Audrey’s conviction in the power of networking, emphasizing the importance of bringing diverse voices to the table, sharing power, and working collectively towards a shared vision.

“Networks have a way of leveling the playing field,” Audrey explains. “People bring what they have, based on what the network needs. It’s about coming to a shared agenda and ensuring that everyone’s assets and value are fed by participating in the process.”

Through initiatives like Making Connections, Audrey witnessed the power of bringing together partners from different backgrounds, including residents themselves, to develop a shared change agenda that addressed poverty and inequity. These experiences further demonstrated the effectiveness of networks in amplifying marginalized voices and fostering collaborative solutions to complex social issues.

A Vision for Inclusive Leadership

As Audrey steps into the spotlight as Chair, her peers’ encouragement and her own commitment to values-driven leadership have been guiding forces. Inspired by thought leaders like Brené Brown, Audrey is dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment that empowers diverse voices and perspectives.

“Leadership is about stepping into the arena, as opposed to sitting on the wall, as Brené Brown would say – especially in such urgent times. When you do that anchored in values, and you’re propelled by passion, with an unwavering belief that liberty and justice for all is possible, even though it’s a struggle, you honor what people who came before us have done to get us here. The baton is in our hands now, and the choices we make will leave a legacy for those who come after us.”

Navigating Challenges, Seizing Opportunities

Audrey’s vision for Netcentric Campaigns is grounded in a keen awareness of the societal and political challenges we face. She believes that innovative networking strategies that emphasize equity and collective empowerment are key to addressing these challenges. One of her initiatives has been to integrate equity more deeply into networking practices, ensuring that these networks serve diverse communities effectively.

“Networks provide a way for all of us to bring our best and contribute to building, maintaining, and advancing our beloved community,” Audrey shares. “It’s up to us to create and cultivate that welcoming space, where people feel truly valued and see the value in their involvement. Networks have a way of leveling the playing field and distributing power, focusing on who is genuinely interested in building the capacity of people to thrive as individuals, families, neighborhoods, and communities.”

A Collaborative Leadership Approach

Audrey is inspired by the collective expertise and passion of her fellow board members, each bringing a unique perspective and skill set to the table. She believes that the diversity of experiences and insights within the board will play a crucial role in advancing Netcentric Campaigns on its mission to create transformative and lasting change.

“When I look around our board table, I feel incredibly privileged to lead such a remarkable group of individuals,” Audrey shares. “Each member brings something unique and invaluable to the table. Together, we form a powerful collective, united in our dedication to harnessing the transformative potential of networks.”

A Commitment to Lifelong Learning and Mentorship

Audrey’s leadership style is characterized by a commitment to lifelong learning and reflective practice. She recognizes the importance of supporting and mentoring a new generation of diverse leaders, and she is dedicated to creating an environment that nurtures their growth.

“I’m well aware that I’ve had my time to rise to the top of the mountain, and now it’s time for me to get behind younger leaders,” Audrey shares. “We need to create space for the next generation of leaders. These young, diverse, and passionate individuals bring fresh perspectives and a hunger for change. As the baton passes to them, it’s our responsibility to step aside and support them. They are the leaders we need now and going forward.”

An Invitation to Join the Movement

Audrey’s vision for a more just and equitable world, driven by the power of networks, is both inspiring and actionable. Her leadership and the collective strength of the Netcentric Campaigns board serve as a powerful reminder that change is possible when we come together and harness our shared passion and expertise.

“I really do firmly believe that networking is a level-setting way for us to create the change we want to see in the world,” Audrey affirms. “So come on in, everybody. The water is fine.”

Audrey’s invitation is not just a call to action, but a recognition that the work of building transformative networks is a collective endeavor. It requires the participation and commitment of individuals and organizations alike, each bringing their unique strengths and perspectives to the table.

At Netcentric Campaigns, we echo Audrey’s invitation. We believe that every voice matters in the fight for positive change, and we are committed to creating spaces where those voices can be heard and amplified. We will continue to be a catalyst for a grand movement for transformation while the baton is in our hands, knowing this is a relay within a marathon. Our goal is to build on our dynamic history, making significant strides during this leg of the relay, and propelling movements forward.

Get Involved and Amplify Your Voice

Whether you’re an individual looking to make a difference or an organization seeking to expand your impact, we invite you to join us in our mission to build powerful advocacy networks that drive transformative change. Together, we can create a world where every social cause has the network power to generate real and lasting impact.

Ready to dive in? There are several ways you can get involved and join the movement for change:

  1. Contact us to learn how we can work together to amplify your impact. Whether you’re looking to contribute your skills and expertise to our mission, or seeking a partnership to help your cause achieve its goals, we’re here to help. Let’s start a conversation! Contact Netcentric Campaigns
  2. Explore the Netcentric Campaigns’ process of building networks and discover how our proven 7-element framework can help you create powerful, engaged networks for social change. Discover the Netcentric Process
  3. Enroll in one of our transformative training programs, designed to equip you with the tools, strategies, and insights you need to build and sustain effective networks for social change. Learn About Our Training Programs

Transformative change that gets beyond the boundaries and barriers of institutions is made possible by mobilized, people-powered networks. No matter where you are on your journey, Netcentric Campaigns is here to support you in building the networks and movements that will shape a more just and equitable future. Let’s connect and make a difference!