Network Building

Audrey D. Jordan Ph.D

Leading with Vision: Meet Audrey Jordan, Netcentric Campaigns’ New Board Chair

In a world where change is both a constant and a necessity, Netcentric Campaigns has been at the forefront of transforming the way organizations build and maintain active advocacy networks for social change. Our mission has always been to move power out to the edge of movements and empower change-makers, and as we continue to…

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Mastering Personal Networking: Tips for Building Strong Connections

During a recent Netcentric Campaigns workshop, a participant asked a question we often hear: “How do I build my personal network?” While our workshop’s main focus was on building advocacy networks and connecting individuals in movements, personal networking is a vital skill that intertwines with these larger goals. Here’s our strategy for building a robust…

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Network Organizing: The Key to Meaningful Social Change in Turbulent Times

In today’s world, we’re up against a complex mix of social, environmental, and political issues. These challenges can feel as daunting as a fog-covered mountain. But there’s a strategy that shines through this complexity, offering a clear path forward: Network Organizing. Network Organizing, as developed by Netcentric Campaigns, is a modern take on social advocacy.…

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Values Animate Us.

Discussing the values that animate our work and help insure success in network building. Register Here  Here is what we will cover together: We often are pulled into issues that are facing problems that no single organization can solve. We approach the work in a unique set of ways.​ ​ ​We work building networks. We…

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networking around a fire

Networks When and Why? – September 2021

This is an introduction to networks from Netcentric Campaigns.  Here is what we will discuss: We think about networks in a very particular way. This session shares an overview of what we have learned about networks and social change. We talk about when networks are a good fit for a challenge and why building networks…

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Independence is not equal to capacity.

We are kicking around some thinking on the idea of capacity building in complex wicked situations.   How does building interdependence create the kind of capacity needed in working on complex and wicked problems.   Hope you join us over at Connect People for Good  Ideas around capacity building tend to be informed by our experiences in…

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HHN Campaign Fellowships – 2020

This program aims to support people fighting the harms of fracking and gas development. The program also seeks to support Fellows interested in informing and organizing people in their community. The Fellowship offers hands-on experience, talent development, and structured immersion in network building and movement support. Details: This Fellowship provides a stipend of $500 and…

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Movement as Workforce

What would you do with 10,000 people with 10 minutes each? Since 2005, I’ve asked this question, don’t have an answer yet. And still, we are increasingly faced with this challenge. We need to take the time to seriously prepare to answer questions like the one above and other questions like what if 100,000 people…

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Why Build a Network?

The harms from fracking are real and well-documented, affecting air and water quality, public health, worker safety, wildlife and many other aspects of our lives. That has given rise to a movement of dedicated individuals across the country fighting to protect against these dangers. They are advocating for legal and policy solutions and uncovering vital…

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No Network of Networks

Occasionally, I run across the phrase “a network of networks.” The general idea is pretty clear, but the language can also sound a little “empire building” or “the one ring to rule them all” -ish. It is important when this language pops up to dig into it. A network of networks is not about combining…

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