HHN Campaign Fellowships – 2020

This program aims to support people fighting the harms of fracking and gas development.

The program also seeks to support Fellows interested in informing and organizing people in their community. The Fellowship offers hands-on experience, talent development, and structured immersion in network building and movement support.


This Fellowship provides a stipend of $500 and additional support between $500 – $1,000 for project expenses to support outreach and mobilization work. The location is flexible (virtual) and includes online meetings for training and to discuss the Fellowship.


We are seeking people for whom this work complements and is synergistic along their other volunteer or paid work tied to career development, grassroots organizing and progressive issues.


The oil and gas industry – from its wells to pipelines to refineries – has a variety of ways of negatively impacting nearby communities, public health and the environment. Across the country, thousands of good people are working to organize efforts (public health, environmental, historic, science, policy, etc.) to halt the harms from gas and oil development.

The role of Halt the Harm Network is to support these organizers and leaders. As part of such work, we are setting up “Campaign Project Fellowships ”. We are partnering with the Post-Carbon Institute to expand the opportunities and make the project a success.

We are seeking people already working to engage and mobilize others to take action against the threats and harms of fracking and oil and gas development.


New leaders from within public health, community, and environmental groups emerge each day. People in communities jump into fights with multinational industries and struggle to get up to speed on issues, connect with the resources that are available to them, and struggle to find project money to get work rolling. We understand those struggles are working to support people with project ideas to get rolling.

The Fellowship:

The 2020 Fellows program seeks to support two Fellows in their work. We are looking for people that are passionate about fighting harms and the industry, its expansion, its unjust practices, and all it pollution. The fellowship offers fixed stipend of $500 (~about 10 hours) to support engagement with HHN training and campaign work during self-directed hands-on work. The location is flexible (virtual) work planned includes up to 7 online meetings in addition to your independent work on a project of your design.

Beyond the core help and support provided, fellows can participate in ongoing training and discussion. These events are voluntary, unpaid, and self-guided and are offered as part of the support only if the Fellow wants to continue to advance training and discuss the Fellowship work.

Fellow Assignments:

  • Review Current Orientation Information on the Halt the Harm Network Project, Project History and Services. Attend Briefing Webinar and Background Material Review (90 min)
  • Kick off Webinar and Training (60 min) Participate in network organizing discussions.
  • Project Discussion and development of implementation budget for your independent project. (60) Development and implementation of an independent organizing project to fight the harms of fracking and the oil and gas industry.
  • Follow up discussions with other HHN leaders to sharpen and inform your project work.
  • Wrap up online Meeting (60 Min). Interaction with peer Fellows and other members of Halt the Harm Network. Share experiences and insights gathered from your projects and interactions around organizing with others in the network.
  • Develop notes and ideas on how the network, network services, and others can best serve your project. Provide feedback and improvements on the Fellowship which helps us improve documentation, orientation, and process for Fellows in the future.

Minimum Qualifications:

  • Committed to fighting the harms of fracking and the gas and oil industry.
  • Interest in more knowledge of fracking and the environmental movement.
  • Interest in knowledge and experience in network and community organizing
  • Ability to participate in Zoom meetings on occasion.
  • Willingness to work flexible hours on your project and fellowship.
  • Interest in developing and implementing in your community projects and initiatives consistent with the aims of the Fellowship.
  • Excellent communication skills.

We are seeking people for whom this Fellowship complements and is synergistic along their other volunteer or paid work tied to fighting the harms of fracking and gas and oil industries.

The fellowship is designed to support your personal advancement of your cause work, organizing skills, grassroots organizing, passion projects, and expand your network of peers in the movement.

Step 1 of 3
Which Fellowship are you interested in?